About Dermal Fillers Whitefish, MT
Dermal fillers can be used for multiple issues including facial volumization, skin regeneration, scar treatments and lip fillers. At Whitefish Creative Aesthetics, your medical provider will determine which treatment option is best for you. We rarely use dermal fillers alone when treating an area. Make an appointment to determine which type of filler or treatment is best suited for your individual goal.
Filler Treatment Cost & Expectations
Filler treatment times typically take between 1.5-2 hours with a recovery time of approximately 3-5 days with little to no pain. You can expect your results to last between 12-18 months.
Cost estimate is typically between $800-$5000 depending on needs & goals.
Before & After Jaw Contouring with Juvederm Voluma Filler with Natural Looking Results.
Ready to Book a Consultation?
Please call, email or text if you cannot find an available time using our online scheduler.